Look at the story of Joseph to help us better understand this tension between blessings and troubles.
Imagine if we all made the courageous, faith-filled decision to implement incredible generosity with our time, our effort, our energy, our finances, our creativity, our gifts and our talents? I believe we would become the church that Jesus talked about in Matthew 5:14.
The focus of the sermon is on a guy named Gideon. He’s not very impressive at first glance, but he makes some choices that flow from his faith in God. The impact of this very ordinary man is so great, that he is listed in the book of Hebrews, chapter 11 alongside the faith giants of the Old Testament. Six things we can learn through the story of Gideon.
The theme of costly service is explored, focusing on serving others and ancient spiritual practices like fasting. The sermon encourages responding to the gospel, feeding the hungry, and community involvement, culminating in plans for Thanksgiving food distribution.
The only way we can pay the cost to follow Jesus, is through the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is
calling us to his Lordship. “He’s either Lord of all or He’s not Lord at all.”
The sermon is about fully committing to following Jesus. The sermon concludes with a discussion about the Operation Christmas Child program and a story about packing shoeboxes for children in need. The overall message emphasizes knowing Jesus in the darkness and His constant presence in our lives.
Discover the importance of inviting Jesus' presence during gatherings and leveraging everything for maximum effect. The sermon highlights the challenges faced by the band due to sickness and back-to-school season. It introduces the Emotionally Healthy Woman study and emphasizes the need to understand the vision of Grace Church and the meaning of leveraging everything. The sermon starts with opening remarks and a warm welcome, encouraging attendees to seek a deeper understanding of God's presence and offering support to those going through difficult times. It concludes with closing remarks, a reminder of the importance of fellowship, and an invitation to the prayer room.
The early church grappled with issues of faith and leadership, experiencing both setbacks and growth. John, a prominent figure, emphasized the importance of supporting traveling teachers and establishing a men's ministry at Grace Church. However, another leader hindered progress by refusing to cooperate with the church and making false accusations against teachers. The church is now transitioning towards a model that encourages followers to minister to each other, inspired by Jesus' empowering leadership style.
The focus of this sermon is on building confidence in our relationship with God, grounded in the reality of historical events like Jesus' baptism, death, and resurrection. The importance of sin, repentance, and knowing God's love is discussed.
Justin explores the concept of God's unconditional love, emphasizing that it is not dependent on our actions or circumstances. He underscores the importance of loving others, even when it's difficult, and how embracing God's love can banish fear and instill confidence.