We are a church of imperfect people leveraging everything for those far from Jesus.
Upcoming News & Events
Women’s Breakfast
Ladies, you are invited to a women's breakfast on Saturday, March 1 at 9:00 am. Please mark this on your calendars now so you can reserve that time for fun, food and fellowship.
State of the Church Presentation
We invite you to attend our second quarterly "State of the Church" presentation. During this presentation you will learn about the church financials, facility improvement accomplishments and priorities, and other information about the operations of the church....
For those far from Jesus
The last part of our vision at Grace says, "For those far from Jesus." Have you ever wondered, "Why that's in there?" Or "What does it mean to be far from Jesus?" Or maybe you've even asked yourself, "What will it look like if we’re accomplishing that part of the...
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