Our Direction

Projects & Decisions
Projects & Decisions

This page represents each oversight team at Grace Church. Click on the team you’re interested in to see what they're currently working on and directional decisions they’ve made. FYI, information on these pages are updated quarterly.

Elder Team
Discipleship Team
Stewardship Team
Strategy Team
Get In, Grow Up, Go Out
Get In, Grow Up, Go Out

These are the categories we use to equip followers of Jesus for the work of building God’s Kingdom. Click on the category of your interest to see current ministries, ministry leaders and opportunities for you to serve!

5-Year Plan
5-Year Plan

We are so excited to share with you the direction God has given us as a church for the next five years! Click the “Learn More” tab to explore and partner with us as we move forward into an incredible future!

Five Year Plan
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