Preteen Camp

Peak Kids Summer Camp is right around the corner!! It’s time for registration!

This camp is up in Larkspur, CO (right outside of Colorado Springs) for any student currently in 3rd-6th grade! We’d love to have your student/students attend! Camp dates are Wednesday, June 8-11!

It’s the perfect amount of time for the kids to get away with other students and connect with the Lord, without being gone for too long! I know camp can be a scary thing if it’s the first time attending, but let me assure you that students have so much fun that they are begging to go the next year!! This camp is open for your students and their friends, so feel free to pass this info on to others. Due to the generous donation from some people who love kids/teens, that see the need for this time away for the kids, camp will only be $100 this year. A $50 deposit will be due ASAP to Grace Church to hold your spot, but final payment is not due until 2 weeks before camp.

Click here to register!

Please reach out if fund raising would be beneficial for your family!