About Grace
Our Beliefs, Core Values and Our Team
What We Believe
Thank you for taking time to read Grace Church’s “What We Believe.”
While we realize a written statement can never capture the experience of sharing life within a community of faith, our hope is that this statement will communicate the heartbeat of our church.
Our hope is that you’ll find a church family to be in relationship with as you walk on your journey of faith, and we welcome you to come experience for yourself what being a part of Grace Church means.
Simply stated, we are a group of imperfect Christ followers who love God and each other, and we seek to use our lives and resources to share the love of Christ with those around us.
First and foremost, we believe that God is love (1).
We believe that God created and wants to be in relationship with each and every one of us, but our imperfections and sin have separated us from God and placed us in a position of need. As imperfect people, we all need a savior (2).
We believe Jesus is God’s son, who willingly offered Himself as a sacrifice on our behalf. Jesus’ death and resurrection provided the only way for our relationship with God to be restored. Through His mercy, God has brought us to Himself. Our relationship with Him is based solely on His grace and love, not our works (3).
We believe God is working to make all things new, and Jesus’ life and teachings show us the way to redemption. Having placed our faith and hope in Jesus as our savior, God’s Holy Spirit is continually working to transform us into His image. None of us have arrived. We believe that the Scriptures are the inspired Word of God and strive daily to live in obedience to the teachings of Christ and His word. Being a Christ follower means continually growing in our relationship with the Lord, and following the leading of His Spirit to put Christ and others before ourselves (4).
Grace Church is not a group of people who all believe exactly the same things about the Bible or its teachings. In fact, we believe that how we choose to explore areas of disagreement is more important than having all the right answers. We believe that relational and loving challenges to our concepts of God, man, and the world around us generate thought, growth, and ultimately a closer walk with the Lord.
We see in scripture that we are not all intended to relate to God or one another in the same way, and we treasure a diversity of opinions in our unified community. We are a group of people who find ourselves caught up in the same story with Jesus at the center. Jesus taught us to love God above all else and love our neighbors without exception.
We welcome anyone who believes in or is seeking to know more about Jesus to partner with us as we join in God’s work of bringing healing and restoration to the world.
Core Values
We are a people centered on:
Being Body-Centric
Not pastor or staff-centric, but equipped followers ministering to one another and to the people God is calling them to reach.
People over projects
We must be faithful to work wisely and hard, but ministry to people often has to trump ‘getting things done.’ A tension to be managed, for sure.
Servant Leadership
Positively influencing others to achieve a shared vision with humility, integrity & empathy to the glory of God and the good of people.
Love as the measure of our discipleship
Having honest, tactful conversations and relationships. Seeking constructive feedback.
Oikos (OY-kose) noun (Gr.) – extended family
If you try to reach everyone, you’ll reach no one. Instead, we want to focus our “missions” efforts on the people God is bringing into our lives. For Grace Church, oikos is our primary mission field.
Asking, trusting and relying on God to do what only He can do.
Ministering with people and to people within the context of a relationship as often as we can. We believe in truly being with people before ever expecting something from them.
Our Team

Justin Ross
Lead Pastor

Keith Alewine
Discipleship Pastor

Trisha Ross
NextGen Ministry Leader

Lakin Hoover
Children's Ministry Leader

Kyle Hanson
Elder Team Leader

Matt Poling
Worship Coordinator

Doug Odom
Stewardship Team Leader

Ryan Bailey
Student Ministry Leader

Justin & Trisha Ross
About Justin & Trisha
Justin Ross currently serves as the Lead Pastor of Grace Church. He was appointed Lead Pastor by the Elders of Grace Church on September 12, 2010. Previously he served as the Administrative Pastor. He’s been on staff at Grace Church since 2000. He has served pretty much everywhere in the church. At different times he led the college ministry, the children’s ministry, small group ministries, and oversaw administration. Justin is originally from Durango, Colorado. He received a B.S. in missions & theology from Mission College in Springfield, Missouri. At the age of 13 Justin put his faith in Jesus and has never looked back. Justin is very happily married to Trisha Ross and they have four wonderful boys, Rylan, Isaac, Cody and Caden.

Kyle & Tami Hanson
About Kyle & Tami
Kyle and tami Hanson met and married in 2003 while living in Evansville, IN. Their first daughter, Amiah, was born in 2005 and their second, Sadie, followed in 2008. Arriving in town knowing no one but each other, the Hanson family moved to Durango in 2012. It didn’t take long for God to guide the Hansons to Grace Church, where fast friendships started to form. In the way only God can, He lined up many Hanson family gifts and talents with the movement of the Holy Spirit at Grace. Through time, visions have grown and strategies have been born as the Hansons continue to watch God add to and use the people of Grace Church for His glory.
Tami leads the S.H.A.P.E. ministry while Kyle leads the Elder Team. Amiah can be seen occasionally playing electric guitar for the worship team, and Sadie is never far from a microphone as she pursues music and drama. Kyle and Tami are humbled to serve as elders at Grace Church

Louise Powers-Ackley
About Louise
Louise moved to Durango in 1974 to start teaching at the high school. (she was twelve! :)) She and her husband, Curt, met when they helped with a local Christian Youth program through their church. They married in 1980, and have one son, Spencer.
Seven years ago, when the tiny church they were part of closed because the pastor moved, they explored the many options in Durango and felt that the best fit was Grace. They quickly felt at home, joined a Small Group and started helping with the Get In Ministry as well as the Connect Team.
Louise is stunned, humbled, and grateful to be a part of the Elder Team.